Male characters mostly emasculated or evil.
The melodramatic line readings and swelling music when someone said something like, I will make.bras that I like! The simpering overacting and fumbling by the doe Kiritani in the early episodes.
The distraction of anime-looking characters thanks to cosmetic surgery especially among the young actresses. A weirdly depopulated Ginza and too-blue sky over Tokyo. Subtitles in yellow often lost on a light background. Wish there was a separate mute for the music. Coincidentally just having rewatched The Birds which has no musical score at all. Especially that damn piano! Install Windows 7 On Mac Powerbook G4. Signaling what you should be feeling now in case you can't figure it out from the script - determination, inspiration, sadness etc. I found the musical score intrusive and too 'on the nose'.